Recently, I’ve been documenting my reflections on inspirational quotes. I did it as a personal challenge in my journey through this lifestyle.
Reading inspirational quotes is part of my Morning Routine. It makes me feel empowered and puts me in a positive mindset. It starts my day right.
I’m sharing with you my thoughts and ruminations on 8 motivational quotes on Slow Living.
“Find moments to connect with yourself, and you will become aware of what truly matters.”
–Michelle Maros–
Living Slow means spending your valuable time with what truly matters in life. First in the list should be you. You matter.
So spend some of those precious minutes taking care of you. Then you can figure out what or who else matters.
“Busy is a choice. Stress is a choice. Joy is a choice. Choose well.”
-Anne Voskamp-
A couple of years back when I was still working in the corporate world, whenever I’m asked the question “How are you?” My usual answers are:
“Busy.” (Too many meetings)
“Tired.” (Had a long night working overtime)
“Stressed.” (month-end closing of books)
Back then, status-wise, having a high-paying job in a multinational bank, I’m what’s called a success.
Yet this is how I feel on a daily basis. Quite sad isn’t it.
Nowadays, whenever someone asks me the same question, I make it a point to reflect and answer as honestly as I could, and my answers have changed to:
“I’m good. Living a quiet life.”
No matter, what others say about the changes in my life career-wise, I choose to ignore.
I’d rather be happy and content, and not be a success in the eyes of many, than a busy and stressed “successful” person.
I choose joy.
“I used to admire people with luxuries. Now I admire people with inner peace.”
-Unknown Author-
This was reflected on my goal, when I was just starting my career— “high-paying job, car, condominuim, big bed with comforter and A/C”.
We weren’t rich growing up, so these are things I really wanted to have, especially seeing it being enjoyed by my rich classmates in my youth.
After achieving those, I asked myself what next? And that’s when I started to get unmoored. I was anchorless and directionless, just going with the flow.
When I saw this quote, the first person who I thought of that I admired was a mother in my old life in our church when I was growing up.
They weren’t rich. She lives with her husband and 7 kids in a small 3 bedroom house. But whenever I saw her, she’s almost always smiling, and her smile always reaches her crinkling eyes.
You can see true happiness in her eyes. She was the first person I thought of getting as a godmother when I got married, because her marriage and her family life is a life goal.
“If you don’t have time for things that matter, stop doing things that don’t.”
-Courtney Carver-
“I’m busy.” Is a common statement we give people. Maybe we are. But are we busy for the right reasons?
Time is our most valuable resource. If we can’t give the proper amount time to the things that matter to us, and just relegating them on weekends, then aren’t we wasting it?
Keep in mind that time is finite. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Are you spending your time wisely?
“There is nothing more urgent today than taking care of your mind, body and soul.”
-Lorren Fortenberry-
Don’t forget to take care of you. Your well being should be the first to matter in your life. When you push yourself beyond your limit and burn yourself out, or get really sick, I guarantee you that everything will take back seat.
“Never take life for granted. Savor every sunrise, because no one is promised tomorrow… or even the rest of today.”
-Eleonor Brownn-
Savor your life. Make every moment matter by being present and living it. It’s never too late until it is.
“Stop the glorification of busy. Busy, in and of itself is not a badge of honor. It is okay not to be busy. Repeat after me: it is okay not to be busy
-Joshua Becker-
I’m guilty of this for all of my corporate career. Whenever someone asks me how I’m doing, I always reply with a form of “Busy as always.” And when I do, it always sounds like I’m frustrated, but I do it with a smile.
Looking back, I realize that I take pride in saying that. That I glorify it. Hindsight is always 20/20.
“Teach us to use wisely, all the time we have.”
-Psalm 90:12-
Our time in this world is limited. Make sure that you use it spending time on what matters to you most.
When I’m feeling particularly lazy, or when I overload myself with tasks and to-do’s, this is what I go back to.
It’s what I try to remind myself to get my ass off the couch, or force myself to stop and slow down. Laziness and extreme busyness are both time wastage. There should be a balance.
By giving yourself time to reflect, you are giving you, the time you need to listen to yourself. Introspection is healthy. It puts things into perspective.
What’s better is if you put it into paper. Journal it if you will. As you’re writing, you are giving your brain and emotions time to contemplate.
Listen to You.
Connect with You.
You matter.
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